.scc File Extension

1 recommended file type found in our database for .scc extension:

icon Scenarist Closed Caption File (Text Files)

Scenarist is a software used for DVD and Blu-ray authoring and is also able to add captions or subtitles to video files, these files are text files and use... [More Information]

Click on the recommended file type above to see more details about it, including what programs you can use to open .scc file extension and other detailed information.

Related File Extensions

icon .pdf - Portable Document Format (Text Files)

The PDF format was created around 17 years ago by Adobe Systems and has become an global standard for capturing and reviewing information from many... [More Information]

icon .docx - Microsoft Word Open XML Document (Text Files)

Docx files appear to the user as a single file but are in fact a collection of the files needed for the document that have been archived. The docx format... [More Information]

icon .fb2 - FictionBook 2.0 File (Text Files)

FB2 is the format used to describe files used for reading electronic books and is xml based. [More Information]

icon .srt - Subtitle File (Text Files)

Subtitle files that are used for DVDs or Video usually use the file extension SRT. These files contain plain text which is formatted, for Time the format of... [More Information]

icon .epub - Open Electronic Book File (Text Files)

EPUB is the file format used to describe files for Electronic Books saved in this format, these files are xml based and can be used on both Hardware and... [More Information]