Power Tab Editor File

File Extension:.ptb
Updated:2010-12-05 14:01:04


Musicians such as Guitar and Bass players can use tablature to learn new songs or transcribe the own songs for others. to do this the program Power Tab Editor is used which then used symbols to show what the player has to do in tablature format, these include.

  » Chord names

  » Chord diagrams

  » Rythm

  » Bending

  » Slide

  » Hammer ons

  » Pull Offs

  » Harmonics

  » Palm muting

The files that are created then use the .ptb extension, these files also allow you to playback the notes and chords that have been transcribe in to tablature in case changes are needed to be made.

Power Tab Editor runs only on Windows computers.

Compatible Programs

  » Power Tab Editor

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