Dynamic Link Library

File Extension:.dll
Updated:2010-11-25 23:02:49


For Windows operating systems the functionality for the operating system is provided by the use of DLL's also known as Dynamic link libraries. Through the use of DLL's the code can be modularized and reused, it also makes for better memory use and saves on disk space used.

DLL is a library that has both code and data that can be used by more than one program at the same time.

Examples of DLL's are.

  » ActiveX Controls (ocx) files

  » Control Panel (cpl) files

  » Device Driver (drv) files

The advantages of using DLL's are the use of fewer resources due to the fact that multiple programs can use the same DLL, the promotion of Modular programs is another advantage as is the ease of deployment and installation.

Compatible Programs

  » Microsoft Visual Studio

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