AutoIt v3 Script File

File Extension:.au3
Developer:Jonathan Bennett
Updated:2011-02-26 15:45:18


AutoIT is a programming language that is similar to Basic and is used to automate the Windows GUI as well as scripting, it is small in size and does not require any runtime environments to be installed. some of the functions supported by it are.

  »    Easy to learn BASIC-like syntax
  »    Simulate keystrokes and mouse movements
  »    Manipulate windows and processes
  »    Interact with all standard windows controls
  »    Scripts can be compiled into standalone executables
  »    Create Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs)
  »    COM support
  »    Regular expressions
  »    Directly call external DLL and Windows API functions
  »    Scriptable RunAs functions
  »    Detailed helpfile and large community-based support forums
  »    Compatible with all Windows Operating Systems
  »    Unicode and x64 support
  »    Digitally signed for peace of mind
  »    Works with Windows Vista’s User Account Control (UAC)

AutoIT also supports Unicode and 64bit systems.

Compatible Programs

  » AutoIt Script Editor

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