Windows Media Center

Program Açıklaması

Windows Media Center can be used to playback your video as well as recording content from a TV card, it has been a part of windows since Windows XP and is included up to Windows 7 apart from the Home Basic and Starter versions.

Windows Media Center is included in Windows as part of the operating system.

Desteklenen Dosya Türleri

icon .dvr - Media Center Recorded File (Video Dosyaları)

Created to store TV content the DVR file format which uses the .dvr file extension is a propriety container format that is used for audio and video, the... [Daha Fazla Bilgi]

icon .mcl - Windows Media Center MCL File (Ayar Dosyaları)

MCL files are xml files used by the Windows Media Center, these files are used to signify entry points when applications are added to the media center. [Daha Fazla Bilgi]