.pub File Extension

1 recommended file type found in our database for .pub extension:

icon Microsoft Publisher File (Desktop Publishing)

PUB is the file format used to describe files created by Microsoft's Publisher Program, usually these files are newsletters and brochures and similar documents. [More Information]

Click on the recommended file type above to see more details about it, including what programs you can use to open .pub file extension and other detailed information.

Related File Extensions

icon .inx - InDesign Export File (Desktop Publishing)

INX is the file format used to describe a file used to export InDesign files to ensure compatibility with previous version of the program. [More Information]

icon .indd - Adobe InDesign File Format (Desktop Publishing)

INDD is the file format used to describe files used in Desktop Publishing by Adobe InDesign to save professional page layouts. [More Information]

icon .rels - Microsoft Office 2007 Relationships (Desktop Publishing)

RELS is the file format used to describe the relationships that begin a Microsoft document structure saved in the directory of an open office xml document. [More Information]

icon .cap - Caption File (Desktop Publishing)

special files are used by the program Corel Ventura to create the header of a document, these files use the .cap file extension. [More Information]

icon .al8 - AAA Logo Project File (Desktop Publishing)

AAA Logo software creates AL8 files to store graphics projects information. With AAA Logo you can create almost any type of website graphics or business... [More Information]