.dot File Extension

1 recommended file type found in our database for .dot extension:

icon Word Document Template File (Layout Files)

The Microsoft Corporation´s Office Suite use´s the extension .dot for templates used by there Word Processing program Microsoft Word. Template´s usually... [More Information]

Click on the recommended file type above to see more details about it, including what programs you can use to open .dot file extension and other detailed information.

Related File Extensions

icon .prn - Printable File (Layout Files)

When printing a document or graphic the printer needs to be told how it is supposed to the print the job. To do this the printer drives creates a file that... [More Information]

icon .mdi - Microsoft Office Document Imaging File (Layout Files)

MDI is the file format used to describe scanned files saved in Microsoft Office [More Information]

icon .ind - Adobe InDesign Document File (Layout Files)

Adobe inDesign is a professional Layout program for both print and digital publishing with many built in tools to achieve this. The software can be used to... [More Information]

icon .xps - XML Paper Specification File (Layout Files)

XPS is an alternative to Adobe´s PDF format and is a XML paper specification which is used for printing in Microsofts Windows by the Windows Printing... [More Information]

icon .pdo - Paper Craft Pattern File (Layout Files)

PDO files are Paper Craft Pattern Files which are used to create models out of heavy paper. These files have the .pdo file extension which was developed by... [More Information]