1 recommended file type found in our database for .dol extension:
Nintendo Executable File (Executable Files)
Executable files used by Nintendo Game consoles such as the Wii or Gamecube have the .dol file extension. [More Information] |
Click on the recommended file type above to see more details about it, including what programs you can use to open .dol file extension and other detailed information.
.apk - Android Package File (Executable Files)
APK is the file format used to describe applications for the Android operating system, these are a package container that hold all the necessary files... [More Information] |
.exe - Executable File (Executable Files)
EXE or Executable file is a file that executes code after being run, usually exe files are used for running programs and program setup routines. Contained... [More Information] |
.jar - Java Archive File (Executable Files)
JAR is the file format used to describe a .jar file which is a compressed file which can be run as a program if Java Runtime is installed. [More Information] |
.ipa - iPod/iPhone Application File (Executable Files)
IPA is the file format used to describe files that contain programs for Apple´s iPhone mobile telephones and for there media players that use applications... [More Information] |
.smtmp - Smtmp Virus (Executable Files)
Smtmp is the file extension used for folders that are created by the rogue Antispyware Software FakeHDD which offer the user help but actually infect the... [More Information] |