1 の私たちのデーターベースでのオススメのファイルの拡張子は.pnf
Precompiled Setup Information (System Files)
If a file with the .pnf file extension is not found during a setup then one is created, these file are Precompiled Setup Information files and are used to... [さらなる情報] |
.dll - Dynamic Link Library (System Files)
For Windows operating systems the functionality for the operating system is provided by the use of DLL's also known as Dynamic link libraries. Through the... [さらなる情報] |
.lnk - Windows Shortcut File (System Files)
LNK is the file format used to describe a short cut file intended for use in Windows operating system as reference to another file. [さらなる情報] |
.sys - System File (System Files)
All operating systems use special files that are needed to run the operating system in question, these files are known as system files, these files are... [さらなる情報] |
.dmp - Memory Dump File (System Files)
DMP is the file format used to describe files created when a computer crashes, these files are dumped from the memory space for the program and can be read... [さらなる情報] |
.mui - Multilingual Resource File (System Files)
MUI is the file format used to describe the files used so that Windows can be changed in to other languages. [さらなる情報] |