.mat File Extension

2 recommended file type found in our database for .mat extension:

icon MATLAB Binary File (Data Files)

MATLAB is a computer language that is used for development, visualization, analysis and computation. The main features of MATLAB are. . High Level Language... [More Information]

icon Microsoft Access Shortcut File (Data Files)

Microsoft Access is a Database Management program that is a part of Microsoft´s Office suite of programs as well as being a stand alone program. One of the... [More Information]

Click on one of the recommended file types above to see more details about it, including what programs you can use to open .mat file extension and other detailed information.

Related File Extensions

icon .xlsx - Microsoft Excel XML File (Data Files)

XLSX is the file format used to describe Microsoft Excel spreadsheet files that have been saved in the xml format. [More Information]

icon .db - Database File (Data Files)

A database is a collection of data usually in digital form that can be used for a variety of uses. Earlier databases had three levels which were external,... [More Information]

icon .dat - DAT (Data Files)

Files that use the extension .dat usually contain data that isn't associated with a certain program, this means that to open these program you usually have... [More Information]

icon .pptx - Powerpoint Presentation File (Data Files)

PPTX is the file format used to describe a file used for presentations created with Microsoft Powerpoint, these files are in the xml format and found in... [More Information]

icon .ppt - Powerpoint Slideshow File (Data Files)

A Presentation is often used to show and explain a topic to audiences. Most often the application Microsoft Powerpoint is used which allows the user to... [More Information]