2 recommended file type found in our database for .fid extension:
Streamed Video File (Video Files)
Files that have the .fid file extension are streaming videos similar to the better known .flv format [More Information] |
Bruker Aspect NMR Data File (Data Files)
Bruker NMR make instruments and software for use in many areas such as Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and other fields, files that have the .fid file extension... [More Information] |
Click on one of the recommended file types above to see more details about it, including what programs you can use to open .fid file extension and other detailed information.
.mkv - Matroska Video File (Video Files)
MKV is the file format used to describe a container file format used for storing video files which supports the use of various codecs. [More Information] |
.mp4 - MPEG-4 (Video Files)
MPEG-4 was developed by the MPEG group (Moving Picture Experts Group) and is an ISO/IEC standard, files that use this standard are usually compressed using... [More Information] |
.avi - Audio Video Interleave (Video Files)
AVI is the file format used to describe video files in a multimedia container from Microsoft that was part of Video for Windows technology and generally... [More Information] |
.vob - VOB (Video Files)
DVD Video Oject or as it is better known VOB is the container file on a DVD Disc that contains the actual film data. VOB files are MPEG-2 system streams... [More Information] |
.flv - Flash Video (Video Files)
FLV or Flash Video is used to encode synchronized audio and video streams which contain only one audio and one video stream and is usually used for the... [More Information] |