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| LinksTXD Builder creates a new texture dictionary (.txd) based on a list of image files.
Download TXD Builder 1.1
For file info and alternate downloads see below.
- works with 8bit & 24bit
bitmaps and 24bit JPEG images - greyscale calculation for RGB alpha images
- allows you to export your texture list as text file and import it for further use; export script for 3DSMax included
- “DFF Check” lists all textures, alphas and reflection maps used by a
file and tells you which of them are missing in your current texture list - remembers the directories you opened files from
- several security checks to avoid mistakes
- and much more…
New in version 1.1
- now there is an error report telling you why a texture wasn’t added (e.g. wrong format or size)
- you can switch off the “power of 2” check now
- the options will be saved for the next session
- you can drag and drop image files on the TXD Builder window and they will be added to the list
- you can provide file names to the exe (parameters) or drag & drop files on the exe and the tool will open with them in the list
More information in the detailed ReadMe file.

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txdbuilder, txd, renderware, modding, maxscript, gta3, gta-vc, gta-sa, pc